Sore Today - Stronger Tomorrow

Learn more about what physiotherapy can do for you below.

What Is Physiotherapy?

Similar but different to Osteopathy, Physiotherapy is a science-based profession whose aim is to help people affected by pain, injury, illness or disability. At its core is the patients’ involvement in their own care promoting their empowerment in dealing with both acute and long-term conditions.

Physiotherapy helps with the alleviation and management of neck, back and specific joint pain, headache and migraine, ligament and soft tissue sprains and strains and following surgical interventions. It is also beneficial after sports injury, where a particular focus on the  underlying causes of the injury helps both rehabilitate and prevent re-occurrence.

What Does Physiotherapy Treat?

Treatment starts with a thorough assessment of the specific problem, analysing movement patterns and underlying factors which may have led to the pain or dysfunction. Working towards the patient’s goals, treatment may include

• Joint mobilisation/manipulation
• Soft tissue techniques and deep tissue massage
• Rehabilitation following surgery including ACL Repair, joint replacement, rotator cuff etc.
• Taping – including kinesiology and sports taping
• Acupuncture/dry needling
• Therapeutic ultrasound
• Exercise training and advice on strength and conditioning
• Pilates 1:1

Physiotherapy is about learning how to access the best movement possible from our body. This influences how we recover and how we go forward to achieve our goals whether that may be running a marathon, getting the best round on the golf course or simply living a fulfilling day with our friends and family.

Physiotherapy links & Resources

Our team of three Physiotherapists between them offer appointments on most days.

If you are wishing to see a Physiotherapist here at the Practice for the first time, please contact our reception team by phone or email to arrange an appointment. Follow-up appointments for returning patients can be booked online.

Sarah Babbs - Mon pm, Tues & Fri all day
Emily Rule - Mon pm, Thurs all day
Glyn Davys - Wed pm, alternate Sat am

Emily Rule


Glyn Davys


Sarah Babbs